10 Ocak 2020 Cuma

cemal milk /urine?

Islam’s stance-Conclusion

some rumor - hadiths ?

 Drinking urine is prohibited in Islam.... Even if a single drop of urine touches your clothes your clothes are said to be dirty and you can't pray in such clothes.....***

First of all, let us clarify the reason and story behind the prescription. Some people had become very ill at the time of the prophet, and were suffering from an unknown illness. Their bellies had swollen and they were not in a fit state. Hence, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to them, that they would find a cure in the milk and urine of a camel and so he sent them out to an area where camels were grazing fresh herbs. These men went to this area and drank the milk and urine. Sure enough, just like the Prophet said, they were cured and became fit and healthy.
Yet the Prophet had said in another Prophetic saying that body excretions, such as blood, pus, urine, etc, was filthy and prohibited in Islamic law. It is Islamically prohibited for a Muslim to drink their urine. Muslim scholars came to the conclusion that the real meaning of this the Prophets odd prescription is that if a person needs to consume an impure and impermissible substance as a cure for an illness, and no other reasonable alternative is available, then it is permissible
In all other circumstances, camel urine or ANY animal urine is prohibited.
As for human urine, it is forbidden no matter what; the Prophet Muhammad told us that it is simply waste matter, and is filthy and impure (a Muslim can not pray if he has any on his clothes).
 Contact IslamAwareness@gmail.com for further information

The ability of Arabian camels to withstand water deprivation as well as help humans in harsh arid climates is truly remarkable and stems from several factors. They do not overheat, can withstand water loss, and store fats in the hump for use in times of food and water deprivation. In times of dehydration, the water seems to be lost from tissues, but not blood. For this reason there is no circulatory distress and the animals can sustain a loss of up to 25% of their body weight – up to 200 kilos! – without dehydration (Humans lose water from blood and tissue and will die of sluggish circulation at a loss of 12% of their body water). Camels can also re-hydrate very quickly.1
Camel meat is healthier than beef. A single camel, when slaughtered, feeds ninety to an hundred people. A Bedouin out of water can survive for weeks by slitting the lower lip of his camel and sharing its cud then, later, slaughtering it and drinking the water stored in its four-tiered stomach. In addition to their famed benefits in desert survival, they are highly resistant to many deadly viral diseases and their antibodies could be used for new drugs. Their immune systems are so robust that they remain free from many of the viral diseases that affect other mammals such as foot-and-mouth and rinderpest.2

Camel milk mixed with camel urine has been used as a medical remedy during the nomadic period of Arabia. Numerous scientific studies drawn from laboratory and clinical observations, have shown that camel milk on its own and occasionally mixed with camel urine is effective in the management of diverse clinical diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, food allergies, autism, viral hepatitis and a host of other viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. Due to the logical insignificance of certain groups, the hadith has created an abundance of controversy.

 Anti-diabetic action of camel milk :
Modern medicine has taken a very clear stand when it accepts that the camel is free from foot and mouth viruses as a result of its immune systems. Camel milk benefits can be related in part to the unique composition of which is rich in insulin, insulin-like proteins, minerals, immunoglobulins and trace elements with anti-inflammatory properties. Camel insulin possesses unique features that make it different from human and other animal insulin and more effective when orally administered. Camel insulin, unlike the insulin contained within other animal and human milks, is contained within micelles and is thus protected from digestion and proteolysis in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Camel insulin contains nanoparticles that facilitate its absorption and easy passing into the blood stream. An added advantage of camel milk consumption by diabetic patients was discovered in recent renal functional and genetic studies in diabetic animals showing that camel milk has renal protection actions that prevent the renal damage associated with diabetes, as it attenuates the biochemical and morphological features of diabetic nephropathy in these diabetic animals.
 The chemical composition and nutritional quality of camel milk was studied. Results showed 11.7% total solids, 3.0% protein, 3.6% fat, 0.8% ash, 4.4% lactose, 0.13% acidity and a pH of 6.5. It contains low level of cholesterol and sugar and is rich in the levels of Na, K, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, niacin as well as vitamin C. Camel milk contains low level of protein and high concentration of insulin, and could be safely taken by people who have high sensitivity to lactose and have immune deficiency.

Anti-cancer action of camel urine :
Research has shown that camel urine had stopped the growth of tumour cells implanted into experimental animals and the growth of malignant cell lines including hepatocellular carcinoma (HEPG2), colon carcinoma (HCT 116), human glioma (U251) cells, lung cancer cells and leukaemic cells. It was suggested that this anti-cancer action could be both a direct cell cytotoxicity and cutting blood supply to tumour cells, i.e., anti-angiogenic action. A series of recent experiments demonstrated that both camel urine and milk, each on its own, inhibited inflammatory angiogenesis in the murine sponge implant angiogenesis model. Further support for the anti-cancer action of camel urine causes significant inhibition of the expression of the gene encoding carcinogen-activating enzyme at the MRNA (Messenger Ribonucleic Acid) level in cancerous liver cells. Camel milk and urine possess potent cardiovascular actions. In separate in vitro experiments, it was shown that camel urine has potent platelet blocking properties similar to the actions of the widely used anti-platelet drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel.
On the basis of present investigations camel urine also proved to be an antimicrobial activity natural material and satisfactory for using as a medicinal treatment. It can also be used for treatment of mycological infections, such as human diseases caused by Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger, or those bacterial illnesses induced by Staphlococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Moreover, camel urine was also reported to be used as a treatment for diarrhea.
 Chronic hepatitis and hepatitis C infection: 
The early observations of Sharmanov et al., in 1982 were the first to suggest an anti-viral action of camel milk when they found that camel’s milk was more effective than mare’s milk in improving and normalizing the clinical and biochemical status of patients with chronic active hepatitis. Later observations using camel urine therapy in patients with Bilharzial liver disease supported this finding, as significant improvement was noted in the clinical condition of these patients with marked resolution of the ascites and morpho-logical changes of the cirrhotic liver.

A group of children with severe food (mainly milk) allergies who failed to respond to all modern therapies recovered fully after the daily administration of camel milk.[9]
Macroscopic and Microscopic observations had proved the role of camel urine on curing liver and internal organ disorders. A study on infected and untreated calves which suffered from congested and dark livers, very flabby hearts, haemorrhagic kidneys and intestines. The calves that were treated with early morning camel urine (4 mllkg bodyweight) showed normal size and colour of the liver with lessened hardness on cut. The lung was slightly edematous. Kidney was normal in size and pale, the heart slightly flabby

 “Camel urine treatment was found to cause a significant cytotoxic effect in the bone marrow cells of mice. This cytotoxicity at higher doses was comparable with that of standard drug cyclophosphamide (CP). However, unlike CP, the camel urine treatment failed to induce any clastogenicity. The cytotoxicity induced by camel urine treatment was substantiated by the reduction of liver nucleic acids and glutathione levels and increased malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in the same animals. CP treatment was found to be highly clastogenic, cytotoxic and it reduced the levels of nucleic acids, proteins, glutathione and increased malondialdehyde concentration due to its prooxidant nature. The non-clastogenic nature of camel urine was attributed to the antioxidant and antimutagenic compounds present in camel urine. Pretreatment with camel urine increased the cytotoxicity of CP and intensified the CP induced reduction of liver nucleic acids, glutathione and increased the MDA concentration. The increase of CP induced cytotoxicity appears to be partly due to the additive effect of the two treatments on cellular lipid peroxidation. Cytotoxic means the quality of being toxic to cells.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8771453

Criticism : 
Criticism against the use of camel urine has been subject to much mockery and slander among others of various beliefs. Critics argument is that camel urine has potential side-effects, however; this argument is logically invalid, as it does not take into account the harsh environment of the nomadic desert nor the accessible medical equipment. Many drugs can be physically and emotionally debilitating, several studies have shown that Anti-biotics are prone to cause tendon ruptures, muscular tendinitis, liver failure, negative effects to the central nervous system, intestine infections, peripheral neuropathy, serious heart rhythm changes, headaches and joint problems.
 In the light of all the evidence provided, the topic of Camel urine mixed with Camel milk as a remedy will still be subject of foolish ridicule. However; they are only fooling themselves.

Drinking urine is prohibited in Islam.... Even if a single drop of urine touches your clothes your clothes are said to be dirty and you can't pray in such clothes.....***
But there was this exception because they were sick and they needed a treatment.... Camel urine was common treatment in Arab world...that is why they were asked to drink it....... Drinking Camel urine without any urgent need of it is prohibited. Every kind of urine is normally considered dirty in Islam and It has been clearly mentioned in Many Hadith's that don't even let a single drop of urine to touch your body, as it is dirty (normally) but under special circumstances ( e.g if someone is ill and doctor says some kind of urine is his only available treatment then you can use)..
It is not only in case of urine this exception.
It is common sense, Exception comes automatically when you have no choice…. A Muslim is prohibited from eating pork, but If a Muslim is at a place where he finds nothing to eat and starves and thinks he could die if he doesn't eat any food, but the only available food is pork, in such condition he can eat pork. But not under normal conditions.
Under normal conditions pork is prohibited and urine also is considered dirty.

The unique medicinal properties of camel products: **

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